Enrollment Solutions for Higher Education

It’s about competition; helping the right students go the right school, achieving the best class you can, eliminating cost where you can—and driving efficiency where you thought you couldn’t. FolderWave simplifies tasks that are difficult, slow, and expensive; freeing staff for other duties while providing an improved student/family/faculty/staff experience.

It’s about data. Sure, we’re in the cloud—we always have been. Our unique architecture reflects years of development and experience with flexible solutions. Folderwave’s applications and databases are structured to be highly configurable, allowing almost any type of rule and accommodating almost any data format.  But more than that, we connect your data for you, so you don’t have to assemble it from multiple systems to see what your class looks like.

It’s about real-time reporting and process monitoring. A great enrollment strategy can fail out of the gate for lack of the ability to execute it. More and more these days, process monitors and metrics are essential to ensure success. As schools grapple with the notion of doing more with less, it’s critical to know what’s working —and even more so, what isn’t— before it’s too late to adjust. FolderWave brings automation and efficiency to your business processes, and we also offer a real-time lens into how that process is unfolding. Along with traditional reporting that monitors the shape of an incoming class, we provide metrics that help you identify bottlenecks, reshape caseloads, and ensure a consistent read. We also track statuses that show how long applications have been pending, progress on GPA calculations, acceptance and denial rates as well as distributions by geography, marketing region, and high school. Our powerful reporting tool is securely embedded in our web application.

It’s about knowing you’re on track. Comparative analytics are also available. It is possible to compare points in time within a term or multiple terms to avoid unwanted surprises and ensure your strategy is unfolding as planned. Spikes in application volume, unanticipated issues with source data, along with shifts in application patterns can all be diagnosed and resolved using FolderWave’s suite of applications and embedded reporting.

In the end, it’s about well-crafted solutions that take you from first contact to enrollment in a seamless, and efficient, way.

Through this approach, our solutions can be implemented quickly and easily, without custom development. Self-configurable, easy to update annually (we know you change, so we change with you), easy to adapt to your process—and available anytime, day or night.

Your organization can see improved effectiveness and efficiency in:

Integrated CRM

Students are demanding more from institutions and, with the assistance of the right technology solutions, schools can engage, enroll and retain students in a more personal way. FolderWave’s Connections CRM Module provides institutions with an additional avenue for continuing the relationship from applicant to alum.

Inquiry & Application Processing

FolderWave manages all inputs:  Inquiry, Search, Events, Application,  and Credentials. Campaigns are tailored via customizable e-mail templates. Our web solution includes a more comprehensive, secure,  dynamic HTML interview form to support online applications or more comprehensive information capture.

Graduate & Undergraduate

FolderWave’s solution supports reading, reviewing, and decision-making, intuitively and flexibly. We process from record-creation through decision notification, and beyond. From applicants to administrative staff and faculty, even across multiple departments, we reduce manual effort and improve service with demonstrated ROI.

Financial Aid

In the face of ever-changing requirements,  rules and regulations, and data sources, FolderWave’s focus is on collection and presentation in support of a rapid and intuitive data collection, workflow, and verification for a rapid an complete process. We interface with packaging systems to support the reading, reviewing and awarding process.

Transcripts &
Academic Records

FolderWave provides a long-term, scalable collection and storage solution for your vital information along with a process that supports academic advising and business continuity needs.

Contracts & Grants 

FolderWave solutions can track and manage your proposals, principal investigators, and interactions to ensure you have complete visibility to the process.

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